Dynamic Compound Reflection (DCR)
3% of every transaction is automatically sent to the SRCX - backed Dynamic Compound Liquidity Pool (DCLP)
DCLP is automatically positioned into the most risk-averse and highest APY Blue Chip cryptos and stablecoins (USDT, USDC, DAI, MAI, etc)
A portion of earned rewards in the DCLP are re-compounded back into the DCLP and the rest is distributed to all SRCX holders, creating a valuable and effective self-funding mechanism
All of Defi's benefits in one token
Source Token (SRCX) is Source Protocol’s first automated liquidity acquisition and DeFi yield market participation token built on Binance Smart Chain. Engineered to drive solvency and self-sustainability, SRCX rewards participants by-the-block with automated static and dynamic reflections.
3% Static Reflection Rewards
In addition to DCR, 3% of all transactions are automatically earned by all SRCX holders by the block
The more SRCX you hold, the more you earn from the community pool
With Static Reflection Rewards, combined with the DCR Rewards, SRCX is designed to outperform standard liquidity token protocols
Continuous Value Backing
SRCX's Dynamic Compound Liquidity Pool (DCLP) holds and compounds a variety of blue chip crypto assets and stable coins, which continuously backs Source Marketplace and tokens within it
The pool grows with 3% of every transaction that occurs on SRCX
Users that are in smart contract lending positions within Source Marketplace also provide an additional layer of backing
Automatic Liquidity Acquisition
4% of every transaction contributes toward automatically generating liquidity on Pancake Swap (Locked)
This enables automatic market maker transactions to occur and builds a price floor for the benefit of all SRCX hodlers
Deflationary Burn Mechanism
The SRCX burn wallet is the largest holder of SRCX’s circulating supply
This allows it to receive the largest weight of the 3% Static Reflection Rewards, creating an effective deflationary mechanism
These burned coins are gone forever as the burn wallet has no private keys
SRCX Smart Contract
SRCX's liquidity acquisition and reward distribution functions are automatically executed by the SRCX smart contract. This is the fuel behind SRCX and its driving force for self-sustainability.​ As transaction volume increases, the fee will be reduced at certain milestones to incentivize even greater volume.
Automated DeFi earning
starts with SRCX

Source Token's development combines the most powerful DeFi mechanisms within one solution.
By simply buying, holding and transacting with SRCX, users immediately start earning automated rewards via static and dynamic reflection from the network. As volume increases and with value bridged to and from Source Marketplace, users benefit from an increasingly solvent network.